Look What You've Done
Oh, it seems like such fun
until you lose what you have won
Ah, look what you've done
You've made a fool ... of everyone
Take me back my point of view!
I'm not myself again.
Or maybe, this is the real me...
I'm overwhelmed by all the experiences
all the people
all the differences
all the emotions, feelings.
I don't know which is true.
Which is real?
Am I imagining things again?
Is this what I really see?
Or is this what I only think I see?
Is this what I really feel?
Or is this what I only think I feel?
Do I really have to think?
Or do I only have to see and feel?
There's nothing wrong about criticizing things.
Is there?
I'm afraid to think, to overcriticize, to overinterpret, to generalize, and theorize.
I'm afraid to change reality, to alter it, to analyze what should be not.
I'm afraid to impose my world upon the world of others.
Objectivity is power.
But is there such a thing?
What is real?
Material culture is real.
Anything physical is real.
There's no doubt about it.
Ideas, feelings, emotions.
Are they real?
Realities and beliefs are shared.
Shared experiences are true.
But what about those which are not?
What if the feeling, emotion, or idea was experienced by only one entity?
What if it was not mutual, not shared?
Is it real? Is it true?
Would others believe it is real?
Are realities also relative? subjective?
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