Define Love
Why is human always fascinated by ambiguous concepts?
Love is one of the most unclear and confusing concepts I have ever encountered.
Does it really exist?
Is it universal?
Is it a feeling? An emotion? Or purely just a part of our imagination?
When I ask people to define love, or at least to explain how it is to love, or be loved, they have different answers. Most would say they really don't know.
Why is it so difficult to explain or define the concept that almost everybody is obssesed with?
Sometimes I think that love is just an escape,
a human construct,
an attempt to obstruct reality.
How is it to love?
Is LOVE different from LUST?
How can you differentiate love from admiration?
from infatuation?
from obssession?
Someone once told me that he loves me, even though he doesn't know me.
I said that's impossible.
I don't know how he felt that way. I started to question myself, and question him, even though I did not ask him.
How can he explain that what he's feeling towards me is not lust, not admiration, not infatuation, nor obssession?
If I ask him what love is, would he give me a concrete answer?
Would he be able to explain the ambiguity of the concept?
How true is love?
How can you prove that it is real?
Is it more than just an imagination or a human construct?
Love, love, love.
Some say that without it, there's emptiness.
Love is just another complexity in the human mind, just like faith.
But then, my insights are purely etic.
(Etic?! How can that be? I am a part of this society!)
I might sound like a person who does not know how to love, or how to be loved.
Maybe I'm just not aware of my own behavior.
Maybe the problem is me.
Maybe I just can't accept the reality that there is such thing as love.
I admit, the concept scares the hell out of me. I don't know why...
or maybe i know why but I myself couldn't accept that I think that way.
Oh my, I'm such a confused person.
Maybe that explains why I have a somewhat cynical view of the concept.